Friday, July 17, 2009

A Lady Gaga weekend (i wanna take a ride on your disco stick/poker face)

So again, I have fallen a little bit behind in the blogs, but at the moment I am stranded at a Lake House in Massachusetts, so I have time to catch up on the last few weekends.
The weekend after Silverbay, Steph & Sarah threw a cocktail poker party on Saturday night. So Sarah, Steph, Frannie, Matt & I got all dressed up...and had no where to go! hehe. Basically a fun excuse to dress up, take some photos, drink some cocktails and play some poker; we definitly had a lot of fun. We had an abundance of food and alcohol (jimmy, vodka, midori, bacardi, beer, cocktail mixers...) and Sarah and I ended up getting quite drunk (her more so then me, although I did fall down a flight of stairs!) and we all headed to be about 2am. It was such a great night and I had so much fun.

The next morning however, was not the most fun! Trying to get four partially hungover/partially still drunk girls out of bed and ready to make 10am train...not the best idea! We eventually made it onto the 11am train, all dressed up, ready for a day in the city - watching the gay pride parade in greenwich village. Steph and I had made our own custom singlets, with 'Pride 09' on the front of both of them; then I had 'all you need is love' on the front too and Steph had 'I wanna take a ride on your disco stick' from the Lady Gaga song, on her back. The back of Steph's singlet definitly got a lot of comments and some photos! When we got to the village, we went into a nearby party store to grab flags (Frannie opted for a rainbow feather boa) and found a perfect spot to watch the parade. It was right at a corner section, so we got to see the parade come down one street, and go down another, getting a longer view, and we surprisingly didn't have many people on our side of the street, which meant everyone wasn't uncomfortably squashed together! I had slip slop slapped before coming to the parade, but I did forget to put some on my back and the girls forgot theirs all together so after standing four hours in the hot hot sun, we were all ridiculously fried. My black beret was like a beaker for heat, so I took that off and tried to hide under my flag as some sort of hat! I think it was about an hour, an hour and a half after we arrived that the parade actually started, because where we were was about 1/2 way down the parade route. The first group was people on bikes, which was then followed by either groups of organizations, companies or people and some floats as well. Alot of floats were playing Michael Jackson, and all floats, groups and parade watchers were full of fantastic energy during the entire parade. Screaming, yelling, cheering, dancing, singing, applausing and supporting! The parade hadn't ended at 4ish, when we decided to leave before fainting amongst the crowd, but it was definitly one of the hottest days this summer and it was too much to be in the sun that long. We had seen most of the parade, and had been their through lunch, so we headed off into the village to find a nice little restaurant to eat at. We had some Italian, before finding a random stoop to sit on for the remainder of the afternoon before eventually getting back into Westchester at 8ish.

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