Friday, January 16, 2009

A Slice of American Heaven

Just a warning for all you cadbury loving Australians - the chocolate in America is AWFUL. In face, most of the food is a pitiful comparision to ours. Aussie fruit/veg is juicier, fresher, tastier. Our food tastes more real and less processed - and I'm not just saying that for patriotic reasons...its true.
So when I found dessert in America that I liked, the first so far, I got SO excited!Last night me and my host family went out to dinner at 'The cheesecake Factory'! Its a restaurant and bar and omigoodness, its the best food I've had since being here - apart from the food I got in business class - which is certainly crazy! KFC was bad, Dunkin donuts was bad, chocolate has been awful....just in general there food is taking some time to get use to. ANYWAY back to 'The Cheesecake Factoy'! The meals were HUUUUUUUUGE, even down to the appetizers and desserts. And the cheesecake MMMMMMMMMM my new favourite american dessert. I tried white chocolate carmel macademia nut cheesecake it was delicious.
And update on more then just the food! Fi is leaving the house tomorrow night! She will be in the area for another few weeks before headin back down under, but as of next week, Evelyn and I are on our own! A little scary but I'm sure we can cope :)I am venturing to Philadelphia this weekend, and have to map out some things to do - I'm so excited! Much love, Amanda xxx

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